Personal Catches of Eye

By Shorty

Shooting Stars

Following yesterdays Super Nova I struck gold yet again when I glanced out of my lucky starboard window to see these fiery shooting stars!

Such a delight and rare sight to behold. Perhaps some debris from yesterdays Super Nova spiraling through space.

The situation on-board however has taken a turn for the worse. My continued good fortune of rare sightings from the window on my side of the capsule has driven my Co Pilot to extreme measures of jealousy.

I caught him trying to sabotage my Urinary Capture Device, but not before he manage to jettison my only toothbrush out of the escape hatch.

I'm almost hoping I don't see any further natural wonders of the universe tomorrow, in the hope that my Co-Pilot calms his hostile moods.

This is Episode Two of the Supernova series. To see other epidodes, search for "xsupernova"

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