
By Rosemarie55

Rabbit Ablutions!

Lovely weather today - sun, blue skies, BUT VERY COLD - had to scrape the frost off my windscreen! I went to the railway station where you can get as good a view of Montrose Basin as you can from the Reserve Centre, but my fingers went white from the cold so I decided to tootle over t0 the Reserve Centre, and capture images through their windows! Amazing shots of a cock pheasant who seemed to be the master of several hen pheasants, also some goldcrests, bluetits, sparrows and a lone heron - spoilt for choice - and decided on this rabbit who was cleaning his feet before settling down to a good feed. According to the Met Office weather report we are due good weather until noon tomorrow when it will start to rain, so I guess I'll have to set the alarm to get up early to take advantage of the goof weather!

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