outside, looking in

Now that I've started a new photography class, I've been giving more thought to themes that 'naturally' seem to show up in my pictures.

I used to think that most of my photos were random, unconnected. But having to come up with a project for the course I decided to work backwards - looking through past photos to to see what was already there. This turned out to be much easier for me than designating an idea from scratch - previous attempts at this have been fairly unsuccessful, at least so far. I had an idea of shooting the ladies' lounge (i.e. restaurants, clubs, theaters) and found it extremely challenging even though I really liked the idea - accessibility was one of the issues (finding public rest rooms that had attractive lighting, etc.) but also the weirdness of feeling voyeuristic in such an intimate setting.

Anyway, I'm noticing that there are (at least) two themes that appear to be manifesting or perhaps even insinuating themselves in my images. The first one is this idea of inside/looking out or outside/looking in - which can take various forms, including the theme of being sheltered or ensconsed

The other already-existing theme that I am becoming aware of is one that I am hoping to pursue more consciously and that is "alone/together and together/alone"

Perhaps these two themes are actually not very different, but I suppose I will have to discover that as I go along.

I only recently heard a statement (I'm not sure who said it originally...was it Diane Arbus?) "Every photograph is a self portrait, no matter what the subject." That perspective certainly offers food for thought!

Maybe it is even time to change my Blip journal name from Dawdler to.......? Dawdler seems to reinforce that sense of shooting randomly. I do like the sense that pictures arrive of their volition...actually, I love that! But perhaps now I am also ready to take just a wee bit more responsibility for the process.

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