
By HighlandCoo

The Royal Opera House

Today, I went to the ROH to see my first ever ballet show. I went with my friend M. As M works there (she's a dresser for the dancers/actors), she got her hands on some complimentary tickets for the final general rehearsal before the opening tonight!

The show was in 3 parts - all completely different and unrelated to each other. The first part (Rhapsody) was a classical style piece, the second (Tetractys - The Art Of Fugue) was contemporary ( I discovered that I don't enjoy contemporary ballet by watching this) and the third (Gloria) was slightly more classical again, but also had a Soprano and the Royal Opera Chorus accompanying it. So, I have to say, that overall, I really enjoyed my first ballet experience!

We then went down the street toFiveGuys for some amazing burgers! I'll definitely be going back there again too...!

Ended up doing some shopping before going home, so quite a productive day today! Shame I'm working this weekend.... :-/

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