Guess the artist

An easy one to start with. They'll get harder! A bit like my working week actually, which went from:

Easy, easy, hard, hmm...tricky, difficult, easy, easy, thank you for making my life easy....

to today, which was:

easy, anticipating tricky, difficult, what the *?!k!!!, you've got to be kidding me, oh for ***** sake, oooo...didn't expect that, look I'm doing it, holy **** it's nearly done, if this one works I'm gonna explode...kaboom!

Wine and a Chinese is my reward. Oh, and time with my children who I've seen little of this week. Hugs, hugs and more hugs. Mind you, when I hugged youngest yesterday morning I ended up walking round work for an hour with a cereal star encrusted on my bosom. Did anyone tell me? I think you can guess.

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