
By bevhumphrey

this is not a mural.....

....having grown up in the 60's in inner city Liverpool, I have a deeply ingrained fascination with town buildings that are being knocked down and where you can see the remnants of what used to be. These dumps that others would find ugly, I find deeply moving. I love the peephole into the past, of what others lives may have been, and what came before us I find humbling.
I really wanted to be somewhere beautiful yesterday, but this was where I was, so you have to find your beauty in what is on offer. The camera really really helps with that....but I think I've honed that skill over many years.
This is real Salford....not the posey Quays bit. Was with some of my staff there and they do amazing work with very young women suffering post natal depression.
The sun hitting this wall at the back of their flats seemed special.

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