
Let's hope we see lots of the first two.....and not too many of the third.

Watched the Opening Ceremony of the Sochi Winter Olympics......thought it borrowed a bit from London 2012...and was surprised to see Putin's "friend" as one of the torch bearers.......but thought it was pretty spectacular. Mind you it was a bit predictable....I guessed what most of the music would be....and that the ballet would play a big part...and that Gagarin and the space race would be involved....that's the thing about Russia and the Russians....they're very proud of their history and their culture...in fact one of the biggest insults you can give a Russian is to suggest that they are nonkulterny (not cultured).

Any how....this is my Sochi cup....given to me in November last year...by one of our Siberian guests at school.......so I will be using it frequently while watching the Games........perhaps I'll blip the flip side sometime.

Only 5 more get ups...and then it's half term........and two birthdays next week...hebs on 14th and mine on 16th.......so we're both being like the Queen and having Official Birthdays during the school week....hebs has gone for the 10th and is going to bake a cake..........and I've pinched the 14th...and will buy a cake!

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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