Thoughts of a Mummy

By Jaxndm

Actions and consequences

Today has had some highs and some lows.

Myself and the littlest three had a lovely morning at Mumstop; where I also got to have lots of snuggles with baby Francesca. We had a lovely lunch with one of my oldest (not as in age) friends and then a delivery of the cutest little lady with a tin of homemade cakes (Thank you Nana Linda).

DM's had a good week at school and has done really well to listen and focus in class this week. I'm really very proud of her. I do worry when the teacher leans down to talk to her when I pick her up from school; concerned that something has happened in school that the teacher feels the need to talk to me. And today was one of those days...

I was told that there had been some tears from DM today. At first her teacher couldn't quite understand what DM was crying about and then she picked up on "An auntie is moving far away to Leicester and she's going to miss her".

How do you explain to a 6 year old, that 5 miles isn't that far away? But then explain that actually, it doesn't matter how far away it is, because you'll never actually see them again anyway :( This is where actions have consequences.....

Because of the actions or in this case lack of actions, that part of our life has come to an end. As an adult we can learn to deal with our frustrations, work through our disappointment and understand that some things just aren't meant to be. To a child it's black or white, yes or no, now or never.

This is where I struggle - Do I tell her that the person she holds so dear doesn't want to be a part of our family anymore? Or do I lead her into a false hope that one day things will be different?

I have no intention to be consumed by hate, disappointment and regret. I live to protect my family and those I hold dear to my heart. And that was my first action, protecting my family.....

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