on the up

By MartynOutdoors

A fantastic day in Edinburgh

What a day, yes actually had a lie in; that’s not like me at all! A leisurely breakfast of serial, toast and a cup of tea in the apartment then off for a brisk hike up and over Arthur’s Seat. Walking past the extravagant Holyrood Parliament building one can get a measure of exactly why Scotland should vote to stay in the union, need I say more! It was a glorious sunny and crisp day here in Edinburgh perfect, absolutely perfect...

Took this snap on the way back into town and despite the rural mountainous feel it’s actually just 300metres away from the parliament complex here in Edinburgh and my apartment.

The lighting for this shot was severe to say the least, to my eye it was just a silhouette; took a quick auto bracket +2/0/-2 snap. The 3 images were exported directly from Lightroom to Photoshop using the “merge to HDR in photoshop” option, I then hit save as 32bit file then straight back into lightroom for a tweak with the shadows/highlights and also used the elliptical mask tool to nock back the sky a tad. Then took it to the Silver efex plug in for a quick B&W conversion and here you are.

The afternoon was spent looking for shoes and a gallery or two. Actually went in a shop call Harvey Nicks and my goodness the prices!!!!! Before going out in the evening I finished a deal and transferred the cash to purchase a car which I hope to collect on Sunday, let’s hope it is sunny and dry as its soft top!

This evening I went to see Evita at the Edinburgh Playhouse with Marty Pellow, I have to say it was a superb performance so enjoyable.

Tomorrow another full day here in Edinburgh, but have no plan; have camera will wander...

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