as the crow flies...

...towards the mountains

or over the mountains

they tend to make a lot of racket sometimes - yet cannot be seen - they hide within the trees - fly from branch to branch - cawing away - at what... i do not know - it's how it was today - as i was finally able to get out to the lake - tromp around in the snow with the geese - and ducks - and coots - trudging where no one else has walked for days - breaking through crusty white stuff - stretching my legs - causing my lungs to burn in the air - my eyes to water in sunlight - it felt so good - after being cooped up in the house for many days - but then hearing the crows - not being able to see them - wanting to catch them flying

and then - one lonesome one - dared to be brave - taking flight over the ice of the lake towards the mountains - i saw a brief flash of black in the sun - snap, snap - had no inkling if it would turn out - but on the upload - was pleasantly surprised - it had an effect - almost of watercolor painting - against the bluest sky ever - and with nothing more than a simple crop - i had my crow - which had been my goal all along when i'd first set out - sometimes - you just need to believe - it will all come together in the end - in the way you'd like it to - believe in yourself - believe in the prayer you lifted up to make it so - believe it will be...


happy day.....

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