Mom, what ARE these?!

My 5 year old discovered film negatives today for the first time.

I thought nothing of it when he was opening the envelope of his first set of developed pictures today. I had forgotten that with a disposable camera, of course he was going to get negatives. Then I heard him say it, "mom, what are these?" When I realized what he was talking about it made me laugh at how much has changed since I first picked up a camera. After he spent quite a bit of time looking at just the negatives, then the pictures, I followed up with a lesson on film photography (to the best of my knowledge). Thank God for that one photography class I took in High School. I loved looking through the prints of the moments he chose to capture and hear him explain why he photographed what he did. Amongst the 24 pictures were family members, stuffed animals, "Chinese cabinets", allergy tests (he said in case I lose them), a few 'selfie's', a gorgeous sunset at my parents' house, and so much more. My favorite picture was of a box of cereal, a cereal bowl and milk, all lined up on the counter. He told me the reason he took that picture was because of the reflection in the counter. Oh, that reflection that I despise on my own photos, I suddenly fell in love with because it represented his artistic eye.

Here are a few more pictures I captured from Alex's "Negative" experience today.

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