Flower Spirit

By flowerspirit


Strawberry flower essence helps you to bring more playfulness into your life, which is very important when you're an adult. Playing is natural to us as children which is why jaded adults will often sigh and say childhood is the happiest time of your life.

As we grow up, playfulness can get forgotten about in the quest to earn a living and be responsible. Strawberry flower essence helps you lighten up and simply have fun.

When I was young I used to read books, draw and play in the woods all the time. I turned these playful joys into aspects of my career as I worked in publishing, ran a handmade card business and then led workshops helping others to be creative. Somehow in that process, the joy of books and artwork became sullied with the grown-up serious vibe and I stopped reading and drawing just for me, just for fun. I had years when I didn't read any fiction, just worthy useful books.

At the weekend I was in the delicious and rare position of not having much to do. When you're self-employed this almost never happens. So I played in the woods, I read, I drew. Just for fun. And Noah whipped my ass at Connect 4 and Frustration which was fun and made us laugh.

What did you love to do when you were young? Do it again today. Just for fun.

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