
By LornaMcHardy

Portmoak Reading Room

I was going to give you the full three-set of hellebores and post a photo of Helleborus niger today; but it'll have to wait because then I saw this on my way home from shopping. And, as chance would have it, today is National Libraries Day - and I didn't discover that circumstance until after I'd already posted this :0)
Portmoak is a small community in Kinross-shire, by the beautiful Loch Leven, which I will also have to blip some day.

The sign at the top says: BT is no longer responsible for this kiosk.

The sign at the bottom says:

The Reading Room
Portmoak Book and Magazine exchange.
Bring something in
Take something away

I love this!!

P.S. This is, of course, a composite of two shots; because I couldn't make up my mind which angle to show you.

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