The St Valentine's Day Massacre
It was carnage!
1. The charity shops all had a red and black theme going on. It's the law, apparently.
2. C had to get something red to wear for her orchestra's Valentine's Day concert.
3. She wanted to try on the red dress in the window.
4. The nice, old lady serving said that, unfortunately, that wasn't allowed.
5. But there was no reason why C couldn't try it on in the changing room.
6. So C and the nice, old lady killed the mannequin and chopped up the body so that C could try on the dress.
7. I reassured C that it wasn't too tarty* and she bought it.
Lots of weather today. Sun and wind and rain all affected the early morning tennis and the subsequent run.
* Surely you can't be too tarty? By definition.
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