Exit stage left

By NessD


This week we went for getting the train up to London on Monday morning. It was all going so well. Traffic was light so I made an earlier train. I even got a seat. And then it started to unravel. I realised within about 2 minutes that I'd put my phone down on the sofa when I decided to stick my cardigan in my suitcase and hadn't picked it up again. After Basingstoke I realised I'd got a slow train which was going to get into Waterloo 10minutes after the one is intended to catch 13 minutes later.

So first I had to work out if I could cope a whole week without my phone and then what to do about blip. My camera was at home as was my phone. So we have a guest blip from K. I think the instructions were along the lines of "take a photo, any photo after you get back from rehearsal" and so you have - my bikes. Again.


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