The Edge of the Wold

By gladders

Rain, rain, rain

The lady with the Harley Davidson horns was hunkered down as another squall blew through. And she was perhaps thinking that the Arnside climate was meant to be drier than the Highlands, it doesn't feel like it. Gus and I managed a dry walk in the morning though, there was even blue sky for a short while, but it wasn't to last long. Still, the ground underfoot was firmer than the pitch at Murrayfield this afternoon, where a plague of nematodes has eaten the roots of the turf.

Rain and rugby made for a very lazy afternoon for Gus and me while Wifie was on a retail expedition to Carlisle. Alas, the red dragons took a hammering from the men in green, dreams of three successive championships dashed, they were seriously outplayed (and let's face it, they didn't look that convincing last week against Italy). And poor Scotland fared no better, those dratted nematodes did for them.

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