One down one to go.....

Well, today I cut another tooth, not the one that has been bothering me but the one on the other side. I have been reminding mummy and daddy that I need my teething liquid applied regularly, I even help to put it on at the right spot. Mummy got me some extra ibuprofen just incase I need it.

I was up a little earlier than normal as I was coughing. Daddy came through, changed my nappy then took me through to his bed bedside mummy. I had a nice cosy cuddle with them until I was bored and I got up and started running round the room.

We went out to the shops, as I need some bigger clothes, mummy didn't see anything but has her eye on some nice things, so we are going back tomorrow. Oh I wonder what I will get. I did manage to get some new jammies, they are so nice. One pair has Princess Sofia on the front, the other has Doc McStuffin. I am definitely, wearing one pair tonight to bed, now which to choose first.

Mummy and Daddy have a new dilemma, they can't decide whether to remove the fire guard, as the fire is never on if I am out of bed or to leave it. As you can see I claimed on top of it today. I think they should leave it, it's a great new climbing frame.

My grandma and grandad went on holiday yesterday. It is their ruby wedding anniversary, mummy told me that they have been married for 40 years tomorrow. That is such a long time.

So after a day of eating, lots. From baked beans, tattie scone, brioche rolls, fruit purée, porridge, spicy chicken, chicken won ton. I had my first baby chino today, I didn't like the marchmallows but I did like the chocolate flakes on top.

Before bed I had lovely cuddles with mummy. I have been dancing lots and lots today. At one point I climbed on top of my chair to dance. Grandma, will you take me to dance lessons, mummy says I am too young.

I've got to run, I need show the fairies my new jammies, princess Sofia won of course. I need to tell them that I got to go on an Iggle Piggle ride, 3 times. Night Night x

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