
By todayoutof10

From stationary to stationery...

I have loved stationery my whole life. I usually have around 3 journals on the go at once and having beautiful stuff to write on, pin stuff together with & stick onto other stuff makes me truly happy.

Before the advent of technology, writing was a beautiful craft. One that I'm still drawn to. Despite blipping on my iPhone and having a foxy little netbook that I use for blogging, I often use a journal to kick my ideas around. Pages full of stars, arrows connecting paragraphs to others, crosses and scores and words upon words, enable me to look back on my creative process as it unfolded. Something electronic word processing doesn't allow.

I'm working hard at finding ways of getting my creative thoughts and ideas out. From stationary to stationery as it were...

I am hatching a piece of poetry at the moment. It's about love. It's taking shape in a beautiful Warhol journal I was gifted for Christmas.

I'm not sure if I'll be confident enough to publish it but I'm enjoying my writing journey.

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