For All We Share...

For those of you who follow my journal you will know I am fiercely protective of the few friends I have; I an unerring in that friendship and no matter what, no matter where, come whatever may I would do anything in my power to make their world a better brighter place. To many that may sound utopian and maybe in many ways it is but it is just the way I am and I make no apologies for it.

Today’s photograph is one I have been longing to take. My beautiful friend has a god given talent to be able to move people through her design and through her execution of those designs and she creates the most beautiful pieces of jewellery imaginable. Our journey took a very dramatic and unexpected turn last year and thankfully now every day in every way a little stronger. A little mantra to help get through the rough days, a simple ethos perhaps but sometimes its easy to lose sight of those simple things.

I cannot ever adequately express how much their friendship means to me, their support, their unerring belief and confidence in me is amazing to me and they never fail to lift my spirits. It can be a text or a phone call or a very occasional walk by our river when the distance between us is no more it is always special to me.

So to today’s shot, it is one of those designs, it represents a section of the foreshore of our river, where we walked just before the bump in our road that disrupted our journey. I made a request of her that when able she would make a ring for me, one of her own design, free reign to do what she felt; another step along our healing road.

I had no idea what to expect a few little hints were dropped occasionally but nothing that was sufficient enough for me to be able to properly envisage what was being taking shape. I will explain a little more if I may, the line running around the circumference of the ring is an engraving of the shoreline of our river where we walk, a special place and a place where I shot some of the most precious photographs I have ever taken, not Blipped but personal with huge significance. The question marks are representative of the reason for the ring, it was made to mark my graduation but on a deeper level these represent Wylie’s question marks on the foreshore of our river which you will know I have Blipped several times, beautiful installations that we share a love of.

Nothing prepared me for the sheer beauty of this piece, I was simply stunned, speechless in fact, I had seen a few shots of the work in progress and knew it was going to be special but I am in total awe of my friend’s talent to have created such a special thing for me, it could not have been any more perfect… Thank you

I hope you enjoy seeing this beautiful ring, my photo is not that good and believe me when I say I tried for a long time to get it right and do justice to this beautiful ring. I am going to wear it with pleasure, a reminder "everyday a little a little stronger"

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