
By wingpig

a long way from home

I can only assume that this bloke is homesick for England and is therefore watching the cricket due to nostalgia. There can be no other reason. Why else would anyone waste one of the brief periods of shininess on an otherwise misty and damp midsummer's day? There were far more exciting activities taking place elsewhere including the popular oaf-sport of Lothian Road Range Rover Chicken. Thankfully I lack the allele for giving a shit about cricket along with those for feeling the cold, buying clothing with writing all over it and considering it acceptable to walk down East Crosscauseway bellowing into a mobile when the person walking a few feet ahead of you is trying to enjoy a nice relaxing stroll across town to retrieve his bag from the office where he left it as he was in a rush to get to the dentist earlier in the afternoon.

Even more puzzlesome are the people playing it. I thought that the Scottish peoples didn't play cricket as it's a posh English game despite also being mental for golf which is a posh person's game in England. More to the point (and this goes for golf too) it can hardly even be considered an activity, never mind a sport. Maybe by sitting there completely still the spectatorbloke feels like part of the game.

I knew I should have posted something earlier. It's all late now.

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