Inappropriate Footwear For The Job

Day 39 of 365. Just a bit of a silly, funny image for today as I'm feeling a bit more rested and relaxed - probably due to having a couple of pints down the pub watching the (very fast) river in our village go past.
Scotland excelled themselves at sport again - this time losing heavily to England in the rugby on home turf. Apparently, the Murrayfield pitch has been infected by a parasite that's eating up the grass from the roots up leading to rather dodgy playing conditions. In the end though I don't think it would have mattered if we'd played on beautifully smooth grass - we'd still have lost as we couldn't get a lot of the basics right anyway.
To top of a bad sporting day my team, Arsenal, were thumped comprehensively by my brother's team, Liverpool. Cue much crowing and laughing at my expense!
Feeling very tired now after such a strenuous week so I think I'll be falling asleep sooner rather than later!

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