Northern Exposure

By Northern

High tide in the Basin

Had arranged to meet a client this morning at a pub across from the harbour in Kirkwall. I managed to turn up slightly early and did a fairly good impression of someone who was just a little bit too keen for the pub to open!

After our meeting I popped in to one of the music shops to pick up a book of fiddle music for Campbell. Whilst chatting to the guy in the shop I noticed that he had a ukelele on the counter and asked if he sold many. In answer he pointed to 3 brightly coloured ones at about £15 on the wall, he sells around 50 every month... but strangely he hardly ever sells any strings.

His theory is that most are bought as gifts for kids and are very rarely played. Those that do get bitten by the bug very quickly come back and buy a better quality uke and good strings.

Have to say I was amazed by the number sold. I fact I would never have discovered if it hadn't been for the blip ukelele fans making me aware of this little instrument.

BTW - the Basin mentioned in the title is the name for the central (and probably the oldest) part of the harbour in Kirkwall. Thought I should explain that in case any of you think I've been measuring the rising tideline around our dirty dishes.

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