On a day of cold rain.........

.....like today , I say hello to these two ; just to remind me of Tobago ,where I got them in the sunshine 14 years ago!!
And think that the sun is indeed shining and rum cocktails whilst reclining on a beach in the shade of a coconut palm is happening somewhere !!
It helps to dispel these winter blues. :-)

They have sat on my bathroom windowsill for ten years, and delightful though they are , they watch you!!
In the bath ,or shower,cleaning your teeth,or sitting on the loo for hours trying your hardest to better the Times crossword, their eyes are watching you . (rather like those of grandiose portraits in cavernous stately homes,that unnerve you slightly as they follow you round the room ,as you pretend to be remotely interested in the many gigantic paintings of the Empires movers and shakers!!)

And the one with its slightly disapproving gasp ,and the other with its amused smirk, is just a little unnerving also......especially when trying to doctor the weighing scales in your favour!!
On one occasion I turned them round to look out of the window, but after several guilt ridden hours of sleeplessness ,came down in the wee small hours and turned them back!!

And besides which, I am really very fond of them! :-)
So here they are, perving at you for a while! :-D

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