
By sas05

rock and or roll...oh yes ..lets rock

this character from the support band Voodoo vegas obviously prays at the church of rocking and rolling,, looks like hes a fully paid up member..was really surprised, impressed by this band ...damn good riffs and hooks..loud...every box of a good ole blast squarely ticked. oh yes and a absolutely gorgeous blonde girl on guitar (should read axe to keep in with the rock n roll theme ) thats the support.. and the main course ,, guns n roses experience were truly epic.. didnt do my fav november rain..prob cos of the keyboard part..but still.. impressed.. very much...actually me ears are still ringing ,, again.. must be the sign of a good nite,, many bands to see and do soon.. how on earth do i find the mental capacity to deal with everything at the moment... life is just not boring head is spinning ..theres not area that theres a quiet place to hide in my thoughts.. groundrush... so much good and yet so much to do.. so much to deal with on a practical level.. just so damn much .. think ill sit and watch the gumball rally thats on at the mo and then rugby,, yeah that should calm raging waters..

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