A Good Lay!
If you think the title is a bit risque, you could be right, but this is a craft called flat hedging. Between dodging the ever present showers, we went for a quick walk around Parc Slip. I have had enough of the sea for a while. A little way down one of the tracks, we came across this guy . We asked him if we could take his photo ( we didn't say what for ) and he said yes. He took off his baseball cap, and put on his safety helmet instead, and said, i had better look the part. His name was Hywel Rhys and the style he was using was , Glamorgan style. He said there are seventeen different styles . This was something i learned today, thanks to blip. It was nice to come across someone who didn't mind being photographed, and gave us some useful information. A really nice guy.
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