List of stuff I did today.....

iPads are bloody brilliant, I woke up this morning and without moving a muscle enjoyed the ladies slopestyle. I think I would have been brilliant at that 20 years ago if only it had been invented, it looks really easy but I would worry for my knees now.

Then I arose, Olympic medal in the bag, bimbled for a bit and then Will and I did our weekly gardening ("What, again??" asked my mother). He has discovered a love of raking, every available bit of mud has been raked to a fine tilth and he is promising to do more next week. He can do exactly what he pleases, as long as he is happy and keeping me company.

Last week I made bacon and cheese muffins to great acclaim following a recipe step by step, today I made the recipe up because I wanted to make a sweet one including oats and brown flour but no bananas - nothing exists in writing that I could find so I made it up, and once again they have received the highest praise. Muffins allow me to feel like a good mummy during the week when I have no time /am too tired to be anything of the sort.

Then I had a bath with a glass of wine (pictured) and now forcing everyone else to watch the ice skating. I don't think I could ever have done that although I did use to be an excellent backwards skater (20 years ago).

If you have blipped a bunny, guinea pig or cat today and have a comment from me saying "super cute 5*" or similar, that is from Will - he has been picking out all the blips he really likes....... If you don't have a comment from him, better luck next time...

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