A hint of pink

In the evening sky from the kitchen window. Felt like quite a busy day, starting with 'morning pages' (now five days in since re-starting them). Then we had Socrates Cafe at the Filmhouse, where the questions were whether it was possible in the real world to really consider someone innocent until proven guilty and then if Valentines Day should be banned. The first topic ranged far and wide, sometimes having to be brought back to the question when we strayed a little too far! The second question was a little easier and we talked about the problem that people who aren't currently in a couple sometimes have with Valentines Day and the whole pressure to be coupled up at this time of year. The trouble seems to be that the emphasis has changed from it being a day that gives license to declaring, in secret, your affection for someone else, to another set day in the year to spend (a lot of) money. While a card is a small token to send to someone that doesn't know you are interested, it is really much easier to sell expensive stuff, like flowers and nights out, to people already in a relationship. I always used to feel it was really a day for single people, as existing couples were already with the person they wanted to be with. Now it has become almost the opposite, a day for couples when single people feel left out. Reclaim Valentines Day for single people, that's what I say!
After Soc Cafe we had to get a new bulb for one of the car headlights, had a look at a house for sale down in Joppa, popped into a friend's birthday party in the pub and went across town to pick up our re-directed mail.

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