bucks life

By bucksmiss

27 years

What a lucky girl I am to have such super old friends.

I was woken at 6.45am (!) by a beep on my ipad from one of our school friends who was due to join us for the day but whose boy was unwell. Still that left four of us. C and I had a relaxed breakfast and carried on where we left off last night, chatting and reminiscing and reassuring ourselves that we're both as mad and screwed up as each other!

Ca and B arrived and we all exploded into life, swapping life histories and looking at photos. We had a glass of Prosecco toasting old friends and enjoyed a bowl of chilli followed by a tasty Rocky Road pudding brought by Ca. I was also given flowers and a pretty glass bowl decorated with poppies which was so kind. Plenty of selfies were taken whilst relaxing in front of the fire this afternoon and this is one of the three of them (without me as I'm feeling shy). Ok, 27 years may have passed, but there was a lot of love and goodwill between us all. After a slice of cake they departed with promises from all of us to meet up again soon. Wonder if that will actually happen though....

Truly an enjoyable day. I've cleared the chaos in the kitchen now and am going to have a chilled evening catching up with a bit of telly (nothing new there!)

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