
By SLPlearning

Healthy, Wealthy and Wise

Is our theme for this year, it is an attempt to encourage everyone to try something new and learn at the same time. So, we're using owl images to catch people's attention hence the reason I chose this picture for today.

When I got back from taking the picture the next challenge was to find a short poem about owls. This one did the trick, it's really very brief.

That Wise Old Owl

"A wise old Owl
Sat on a oak.
The more he saw,
The less he spoke.
The less he spoke,
The more he heard.
Why can't we be
Like that wise old bird?"

The poem is cited in print from at least 1883, but is of unknown authorship. A 1904 source credited “the immortal poet Bromley.” The owl poem was a favorite of industrialist John D. Rockefeller, so if it's good enough for him-it'll do me.

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