Oh Shit!

Some of you may remember the 'quiltgate' incident, it's etched on our memories forever.

What happened last night though has left a deep psychological scar, the likes of which I have never endured before.

Whilst in a deep sleep last night I smelled the pungent aroma of food ....no, not food.....stronger than food....... fresh food, regurgitated food....... no, something STONGER AND MORE PUNGENT than just food or even vomit. This was a smell so powerful that I eventually woke form my dream and after a deep inhale through the nose, gagged on the realisation that it in fact smelled like poo...! (sorry if your eating whilst reading this).

I used my initiative and switched on the torch on my phone and carefully made my way around the room to where Harry sleeps.....unfortunately only making it as far as the corner of the bed before stoping dead in my tracks and screaming out in horror when I realised I had a dog poo stuck to the bottom of my foot.....

I made it through the whole of the 70's (the decade of playing outside and the inevitable victim running barefoot through a dog poo whilst playing tig or footie) without ever being near a dog poo; yet I can't make it around my own freakin' bed witout standing on one.

I am traumatised and as my foot says, I will never be the same again. And now I'm off to cry again....

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