So True
I found myself in M & S again today, and saw it was on sale this time. I knew I had to have it, and it's now adorning my living room window sill!
Felt a bit sad again this evening, it comes and goes in fits and spurts. Getting hurt makes you not want to try again, and instead give up, but I know I can't do that. It does make me wonder if there really is someone for everyone, and how the hell you find them if there is! I might look at speed dating again, who knows. It was hilarious fun last time, but ultimately nothing came out of it. I read a book years ago that had a phrase that really rang true with me, and I have always tried to live my life by this " A soul suffocated by fear leaves too many joys un-lived".
I did oodles of school work tonight- thank God it's only one more week till half-term- I need some me-time.
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