Andy's Photo Journal

By andmoff

Bad Luck and Trouble

The boys asked me if I'd go along to The Ferry in Glasgow tonight and do a few shots of them playing in a blues day. Caught one band before them that were OK, then shot the boys as they went through a pretty good set.

Damn impressed with this wee camera though, first time I've shot with it in pretty poor light and although I've not been through the whole shoot yet I can't believe the shots at ISO 6400 (aye that's right Yankee Douglas, 6400, push that D4, it can keep up….) and the 35mm lens.

This is my old mate Dougie, singer and harmonica player. In the background, Bruce on bass and vocals, out of shot my brother Iain, now the lone guitarist and Scott on drums. No shots of Scott as they make they drummers play in a cupboard at the back of the stage. If you've ever been to the Ferry you'll know what I mean……

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