through His eyes.

By throughHiseyes

This past week, I fasted from things that I worshipped instead of the One who loves me. Chocolate, over-eating, and pursuing after people's approval by not asking or acquiring what others may think of me and/or what I do. Problem is, I thought those were all of it: what I was idolizing, what I was replacing Him with and what I was quenching my thirst with.

As today was my last day to fast, I realized I was missing the biggest one.

I've locked up my emotions this past month with excuses such as, "I need to get things done and my emotions will get in the way." What I ended up locking away with was my love for Him.

I ran away.
I thought I found freedom.

Instead, I found more chains to hold unto; more reasons to beat myself down with, for I lost the truth of the One who calls me beautiful each and every day.

if you never had "it", would you still be pursuing him?

why aren't you letting go?

It was hours after I ended my fast that He freed me. How funny He works.

He knows me well.
He loves me well.

Oh, how sweet does this freedom taste.
To be loved by the one who I can wholly surrender to.

Free at last.
Free at last.
My God,
I'm free at last.
- MLK Jr.

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