Shenzhen: Beer Cat

Two things here.

Thanks to our landlord buying us a new fridge but leaving the old one, the old one became my very first (little lump in the throat here) Beer Fridge, after much elbow grease.

Being a an ex-pat in China what else would you put in your Beer Fridge other than essential Tsingtao (for those jiaozi nights) and German or Belgian beer? (I put that down to a few impressionable months living in Germany as a student). Oh OK and the sneaky bottles of NZ white wine (bought on a great deal at Wellcome across the border in Hong Kong), and the Baileys...

The Cat. Our rent-a-cat decided to assist with the re-stocking of said Beer Fridge today then did not seem at all keen to get out. Odd considering fridges are cold. And Shenzhen was cold today too (7 C / 45 F) - that's cold for Shenzhen. Strange animal but good taste.

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