Plan B

The second weekend of the 6 nations saw me laid low with a bout of food poisoning.
So, sofa made up, cushions plumped, Lucozade by the side, and despite the absolutely horrid weather outside I was all warm and comfy and waiting for the Ireland Wales game to cheer me up.
Lo and behold 5 minutes before kick off the electricity goes off.
This never happens and at such a crucial time what was I to do.
I rushed on some outside war weather clothing and headed off all ill to the Manners pub in Bakewell where I got my pint of dark mild which is a as close to Guiness as I could stomach and sat down to watch another abysmal welsh performance against the Irish.
Ireland are now officially our bogey team.
It was an extremely unpleasant 40 minutes and not I may add the fault of the Manners pub who as a smoker have a great outdoor smoking area complete with TV as as seen here.
Thankfully the electricity came back on and whilst I watched it in the comfort of my own home and sofa it wasn't a very enjoyable experience seeing wales thrashed.

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