Big Daisies
Murron always calls these big daisies. They are almost the only flower in the garden still trying to put on a show. After I took this Brammle trotted over, gave them a sniff and peed on them.
Other than that a morning of catching up with the wee jobs that can so easily get on top of you, a quick look at an essay that doesn't seem to be going anywhere and just managed to bake some banana bread for Sam and Rowan to have a slice of when they get home from school before leaving for college.
Driving home the sky looked amazing and for once I was in good time picking Murron up from after school club. We picked up some tins of Heinz tomato soup for dinner (oh the joy of just having to open a tin!!) and returned home to find Sam and Rowan arguing about who was supposed to A. let Brammle out for a wee and B. feed him. Luckily the piece of paper I had written a note on for them clearly stated Sam.
Home alone as Nick is playing squash I spent the evening hearing Tyrannosaurus facts from Murron in preparation for her upcoming talk at school, Sam hounding me with details about a party he wants to go to tomorrow night (I have already decided to let him go, but it doesn't hurt to let him think I am undecided so he is nice to me for a little longer) and Rowan draping herself with huge sighs across the furniture because she is sure she heard a strange noise and that we have an intruder hiding somewhere in the cottage. In the end I gave up and decided to sit in bed with my laptop and post to blip.
Where is all that time I thought I might have to finish that bloody essay, jot a few ideas down for my next project and have a bath? If you find it please send it my way.
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