These are the days...

By ashcroftkiddos

Down to Earth...

Well, you can't get much more down to earth than dumping heaping piles of candy on the floor, trying to figure out which one you want to eat! Hmmmm! The choice of the night was a miniature pink box of nerds. In true form, Tyler savored his while Mia gobbled hers up right away!

We were home sick today and will probably be home sick again tomorrow. Tyler is getting his typical croup and is not feeling well at all. Poor guy! It's really bad timing too, because I am a single parent for the next four days and with sick kids, I can't even go visit my normal reinforcements. STINKS! Oh well. We'll just ride the wave with lots of stories and lots of movies.

Another thing that cracked me up.... Tonight, Mia found a piece of Taffy in here candy loot. She promptly showed it to me and informed me I couldn't eat it because last time, I lost my tooth. She's right! Last time, my crown popped right out with a piece of taffy. My taffy days are done for! :)

Goodnight all!

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