
By carliewired

The Craft Fair

Many hours of "free"
time are combined with many
years' experience.

~ carliewired

The retirement community, that is Yuma, brings together active seniors from all parts of the USA and Canada. Inherent in this mix is a population that has many years experience in hobbies and interests. Many of these seniors settle into their recreation vehicle parks for the winter, using the months to practice their 'art' and further their knowledge doing things they love to do.

Once we're into February, the craft fairs begin to show up on the community calendar. This is where we really see what people do for the winter. I got to my first of the season just this morning. It was held in an RV park quite close to my house. The park has a number of permanent homes and many pads for recreation vehicles as well. The center of the park features a big club house with tennis courts and shuffleboard courts right beside it. The craft fair opened at 9 AM in the club house. I managed to find a parking space right by the front door.

The craft fair had a great selection of items for purchase. There were crocheted and knitted items, art works, photos, jewelery, woodcarvings...what caught my eye was a stack of rugs that were handmade. I remembered the rugs that my Scandinavian grandmother had on her floors when I was a small child. These rugs really reminded me of them. The lady selling these rugs was very pleased to allow me to take photos. I asked if she could/would teach me how to do this too. She looked quite surprised that I would ask but agreed and gave me her business card. We will exchange email and she will give me the directions to make a loom for this process. I think I can talk someone into making a loom for me. I said that next winter I would take her up on getting the demonstration. She said she works with 2 inch strips and that it takes about 8 yards of fabric for one rug. She buys cheap cottons where ever she can find them.

I purchased one of her rugs. It has a lot of pink and red in it. I think it will sit in front of my Arizona recliner. Love it!

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