Measuring up!

It was our final day at Centre Parcs today and an opportunity to reflect on the various activities we had done. This included
* Measuring ourselves against the athletes of today, well in height anyway
* lots of swimming, including the various slides and flumes with us getting Jason on them on the last day and entertaining us with his horrified expressions! Elliott went on the outdoor flume and loved it, but he hated the indoor flume in the dark! The rapids were once again very popular and we spent more time in them than the baby pools.
* short tennis proved a good activity for everyone to join in, Sasha was the 'boy-girl' meaning ball boy! Elliott came into his own after a while with some wicked shots. Even Will got into the swing of it! We did hit lots of shots into the bushes and balconies which we had to retrieve.
* Sasha enjoyed the balance bike but got rather competitive with the other kids and strove to be out in front and didn't stop at the stop sign until the instructor put the sign in her face! She even went around the lollipop lady on the crossing!
* fencing was once again a painful activity for Lisa with several blows to the chest!
* table tennis was a tricky activity with less shots landing on the table than requiring collection
* the children's disco was a solo effort by Sasha with the rest of us looking on as she failed to be out in any of the games even though she was a statue when she was meant to be sitting and sitting when meant to be a statue. She just danced away.
* we had a night of 10p slot machines, roll along and push penny and of course returned much lighter
* Elliott and Danny played pool in the sports bar
* roller skating was difficult with Elliott and Sasha having a case of the jelly legs requiring someone to walk around with them? Danny was able to go fast but then couldn't stop! A great combination.
* caving
* field archery
* Danny and Jason really enjoyed paint balling, well until the next day when Danny had a huge bruise on his leg and Jason was suffering all over from exertion. Oh and the fact that his trainer got sucked off in the mud while he was running and shooting and then his shoeless foot failed to grip the muddy ground and so he did a spectacular slide and landed flat on his back!
* our traditional Sunday evening Indian meal which never fails to please!
* lunch in the pancake house with some rather gorgeous food including chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate!

Oh for the next instalment...until next time...

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