
I really don't like posing or staging a shot, but maybe it was today's lack of good photography that made me resort to this. Or more likely, it was this season winding down that brought me to it. Everyone on the team feels it now: our days are numbered. We will battle to the end to squeeze out as many games as we possibly can, but even if we were headed for the championship game, it's not that far away.

Right now, I don't know exactly what to say about it all. There is so much to say, I wouldn't know where to start, and I wouldn't do it justice right now. I've learned so much about these kids, about the game…about me. We've had losses and victories; spring weather and snow storms; sickness, health, and injuries; road trips through the mountains, and home games on Friday nights. We've had moments of high wisdom, and battles of high school drama. I'd like to think that we have grown tighter as a group, a family really, that no one would understand until they progressed through days and weeks and months of rebounds, and blood, and scratches, and made free throws and misses, and bruised knees, and sprained ankles, and torn ACLs.

Love has many manifestations, and I can honestly say I love these girls. They have accomplished so much, more than most people would have imagined, but I love them for their tenacity, their perseverance, their character, their sense of humor, and their sense of community. So forgive me for posing this one, but this long season was on my mind. Believe me, there is more to it than these three icons - a warm up jacket, black Nikes, and a worn whistle. Much more.

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