
By CameraHappy

J is for...

As I missed putting up a photo yesterday, I decided that I is for ...invisible ;) For today's challenge - J is for Just playing around with the slow sync flash!

It would have been more fun to try some night photography with this, but the weather was prohibitive. We are still experiencing very frigid temperatures. So, I played around a little (unsuccessfully) with a knife and an apple to make it look as though the knife was in motion. I also played around a little with a pepsi can and cheetos (Junk food), with no better luck. So here's the photo I selected. If you are not familiar with this toy, it's called Newton's Cradle Balance Balls. By this time I was a bit exasperated, so this toy was about my speed!! Here is the result of the slow sync rear flash. I am now determined to get the hang of this.

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