East Coasting

By OzBeachcomber

Hidden friends

As much as we sometimes complain about the amount of dead Palm fronds we have to dispose of, the big Palm trees do provide lots of hidey holes for the native birds. This Lorikeet was very well hidden, and only that I could hear him quietly talking to his friends, I would have missed him completely, so well was he camouflaged.
Otherwise, a big day cleaning the house. It does feel good to have it all done though and even the sliding screen doors got cleaned. Anyone would think we had friends coming to stay:) I've finally got most of the gardening done although there is always more that could be done. I'm also keeping an eye on a friends garden while they are away - lots of watering to be done as it's been so dry. I've got the sprinkler on our front lawn at the moment, trying to keep it green - mustn't forget to turn it off soon. Our visitors arrive next week and I will be able to kick back, relax and enjoy their company.
I have been keeping an eye on everyone's blips but haven't always had time to comment.

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