
They changed my sched at school, meaning I didn't need to drive 100 km. today! Yay??? You bet! But! ... I am working at home.

Good thing because I can watch the 500 meters sprint of the ladies. Realistically, there are no real serious medal candidates today, but we are open for surprises. Always.

24 Years ago, I had to babysit for a smart walked-at-7-months-talked-at-10-months baby called Stevie, who had an English (Brit) dad and a Wallonian Dutch-and-French-speaking mom, but who found the words 'horse' and 'cheval' too much to take, and so called every horse and pony a 'yippiyay'. Of course hubby and I both got infected and to this day, that is what I call these mini Shetlands. According to hubby, though, I am not (yet) small enough to ride them.

Shot on the 'Zuiderzeedijk', literally Southern Sea Dike, although it is smack in the middle of the polder and nowhere near the sea, which might indicate that the dike is actually ancient and really used to be close to a large body of water, the land under which has since then been efficiently reclaimed and transformed into the very fertile stretch of farmland one can see today.

Well ... giddiyap 500 meter sprint ladies! Good luck!

Edit: Does the background here look a little bronze? Yaayyy! Bronze for Margot Boer ('Boor') for the 500 meter sprint! Well done!

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