South Coast Scribblings

By SueSouth

A friend's painting

After home group today the group leader was showing me photos of the old priory house that they had staying in in East Sussex, called Wilmington Priory. Parts of it date back to the 1200's and it had huge old fire places and high ceilings with beams. He had ventured outside for an hour to do this lovely pencil and watercolour of part of it, with the old ruined part of the priory adjoining it. It took him a couple of hours to warm up again afterwards he said! He had also done a similar watercolour painting in the visitors' book to leave behind for other to see - apparently a lot of people leave sketches etc in the book. He was happy for me to use this as today's blip.

It's hubby's birthday today, but he is working part of the day, so I decided to go to home group anyway. Before I went, he opened his presents and cards - I had bought him four new shirts, which were badly needed, as well as some chocs and a book on the solar system. We had a Chinese takeaway for lunch as a treat.

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