Zoom Blooms

Well...I managed to get out today, thank goodness. I had thought of schlepping down to Oxford this morning to see family...especially as Josh is 17 today. But...there were many factors against me...my knee is painful, I've damaged my achilles tendon (on my other leg), my little toe is sore as I think I may have cracked it, my sister has a very painful back at the moment, her house is upside down as she is having a new bathroom put in, the main road into Oxford is closed due to flooding, the threat of worse water rising and the weather is so awful. So I have decided to wait for more clement weather. In fact as I've just looked out now it is snowing!!

Anyway, after all the prevarications, I had a lie in and thought I would start writing my piece for the Creative Writing group. As I sat at my desk the phone rang and before I knew it I had been enticed away from the writing and off into town with Pat. It was bitterly cold and my ears went dumb so we didn't linger. We decided to stop off on the way home at the Secret Garden for some lunch.

When I arrived home the three musketeers...or Tommy, Tucker and Scott...were repointing Kathryn's chimney. Mine is not in a good way so, weather allowing, they are coming back to sort mine on Saturday. It was gloriously sunny this afternoon but I could smell snow in the air and low and behold it is now white outside. The sky is very sulky so I think there is more to come, although I don't think it will last as it is very sloppy. Hopefully it will be clear by Saturday anyway.

I took a few pics in town but nothing was particularly exciting so I faffed around trying zoom bursts with daffodils. I'm now updating my Skype so that I can see Josh whilst I wish him Happy Birthday.

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