
By Marlytyz

Doughnut at Sea

Felt very pleased with myself that I managed to arrive at water aerobics on time today.

I then traded in my old zoom lens for a new one that will fit the new camera. Realised after a bit of playing about how much I have missed that zoom. I know "real" photographers are more than happy with a fixed 50 m and 35 m but I did find being restricted in this way quite inhibiting and you have to walk more!!

This is one of the photos shot while wandering home along the seafront.

Had sad news that my mother's house had been badly affected by the recent storms and it looks as though it will need to be sold It is so strange, although she is now in a nursing home that small house holds so many memories of such happy times,
We were married at 22 and although we had our own home, that house provided a refuge and allowed us space to be young and irresponsible. I will always remember my father greeting my husband as soon as we arrived with the saying "sit down lad, and relax" while my mother ran around providing constant hot meals and cups of tea.
Strangely, I have very little problem about moving from our own homes but feel very strange at the thought of never sleeping in that Laura Ashley bedroom again.

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