
Busy morning packing cases, so that the decks are cleared and we can get some housework done!!

This blip is Tike, no longer with us, but still a topic of conversation amongst our neighbours. He was a chatty cat who adopted us many years ago and cultivated a following amongst all that met him. We had two female cats at the time, but he reckoned that he was on to “a good thing” with daytime lodgings in our house and out on the tiles at night.

We were preparing for a trip to NZ in 2008 when he disappeared for 48hrs. He arrived back on the Sunday evening looking very poorly and with massive lacerations on his abdomen.

Vet’s…surgery…back to us for some TLC in the few days before we set off on our travels. The neighbours shared his care in our absence and as we arrived home several weeks later he sauntered in looking as fit as a fiddle and demanding to be fed!!

He survived for a few more years and got in to many more scrapes, requiring visits to the vets.

This was his favourite spot in the garden, resting in the shade. This is a screensaver on the PC.

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