
By JanBee


Stoical grasses,
Golden in the afternoon,
Lit by teasing sun.

It's been a day of contrasts. Torrential rains this morning, then blue skies and sun this afternoon and now cold and slightly misty.

It was a stay in day for me as I am nursing a cold, so a bit shivery and sorry for myself. Several layers of jumpers just about keeping me warm. Still woodburner lit, food cooking, glass of red in hand .... starting to feel a bit more human!

Anyway I stepped outside the door this afternoon and took this. The sun was shining through these grasses turning them from drab brown to gold, with the feathery seed glowing like dewdrops.

I never cut these sort of things back in the garden as there is such beauty in their skeletons through the winter ... and the birds love the seeds.

I kind of wish these had been teazels, then the title could have been Teasing Teazles ....

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