
4years 113days

After being sent home early yesterday, I decided to give her a day at home today. She was a happy, hyper bunny. In spells. She went from loopy and dancing to flaking on the sofa and rather oversensitive, but with nothing wrong with her otherwise. I am very glad she didn't actually get whatever it is she is fighting because the fighting it off was bad enough alone. She has eaten almost non-stop, including three absolutely massive carrots! She has played with her dolls a lot, as well as dancing round dressed as a bumblebee, Mickey Mouse and a princess.

Granny and grandad arrived late afternoon. She was snuggled on the sofa watching a DVD. She is never watching tv when they're here (she only watches it at weekends usually) so I was a bit surprised that she continued to watch and snuggle, although she did shift to snuggling to grandad. After tea she bounced back for a little while, reading a book with grandad before getting ready for bed.

(We have a nice blip for yesterday but I need to load it to the mac still)

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