
Thin layer (some 2cm) of snow had landed on to your yard during the night. Looked so good, so I took a blip right away. Beautiful black and white colours outdoors today, but it was quite slippery to walk.

A scene from last winter - as there was cold and snowy time...

The weather here is like normally in march. So warm, +1c today. Only sun is somewhere behind the thick clouds, so we'll still have to wait for the flares... As well as we have to wait for our garden to blossom again - for four months or so!

I have found the answer to the secret of the icy - not-warmed water drain pipe! Some peculiar thinking to plan & make it to function so that there is an egg timer-like switch placed indoors (in the storage). And the drain pipe is warmed only if the owner of the house remembers to put it on. Not automatically. Extremely uncomfortable to remember that all the times, but the test drive showed, that the pipe warmer functions ok when switched on. Now we have no ice on that pipe, nor water on the roof...!

Extraordinary winter!

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